Sunday 3 May 2020

Boarded the train once more to Hogwarts from platform 9 3/4...

Before the dementors attack deep from the one has lost good one can never be happy again...before they freeze my window panes..before I can resist.....before the frozen panes shatter ...

Expecto patronum!!!!

The dementors in Harry Potter seem to me much like the attack of depression. Rowling as we know had more than three dimensions to her characters ...In the Prisoner of Azkaban  when the dementors attack she has probably recreated that effect...the movie shows the train suddenly coming to a a screechy slowly freezing on the window pane ..on the bottle.....on the mind....the dementors appear at the door ..just sliding the minds open..and filling them inside...sucking out you gape takes out everything...anything that you have ever felt happy about existence.. the dementors kiss!.....there is nothing you can do...all charms fail....feeling time as if you have lost all good memories if one can never happy she has likened it to that uncontrollable need one powerful single powerful happy thought to learn to use your patronus power..................

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