Tuesday, 21 November 2017

From my first book of poems ' The Divine Hand In The Dark'.

Winter light

I behold once again
In this secluded wilderness
The slant of the mystic sunshine
On this cold wintry morn.
The quiet of the sky sent down in silence
Sieving through leaves
Crossing my lonely path
Painting in hazy light this dark walkway

Where the curves bend sedate
And the pale rays fall beyond
The heart half perceives what they create
And disturbs me with a strange curiosity

And all I feel is love
In thesedeep and gloomy woods
In the sound of the silence...
In the stillness of the wilderness!
Those solitudes with an aching charm
Felt along the blood and along the heart
Embeds in every cell and stings from deep within
Oh! All I feel is love..that touches the inner soul.

Let me wander on this path
Sleep on this winding walkway
The winter sun embracing the soul
And be home to my younger years!

And then after many wanderings
When the heart will subside
These woods shall still catch  the gleam
Of the past existence of a soul
Who cane here, lost in woods
In deep love
With a far deeper power
Than that just meets the eye!

And how the mind stood here
Unwearied in love
With quietness and true beauty
And a painful joy in the wind
And those beatings of the heart
Those lost forms and sounds
Of my half murmuredthoughts
Remindful of the solitary walk
Upon this dark walkway and
This pallid winter light in the woods!